Thursday, November 13, 2008

Craft Saturday Graphic

I got the promos for the craft saturday I'm in - I think they are perfect! Now I just need to work my way around the city hanging the post cards. I hope we have a good turnout :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Separation of Bitch and Stitch

Thank you to all of you that have read (and put up with) my political rantings over the last couple of months on this blog. The purpose of this blog was originally meant to showcase my design work, and not act as a medium for me to express my agitation at life. However, I have discovered that I really like writing about things like that. Hence the creation of my new blog Observation and Agitation. If you like my rantings better than my creative crafty stuff please add that blog to your list of reads, if you prefer my design updates better you no longer have to worry about me mixing other things into it.

I hope you enjoy both of them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Handmade Holidays!

If you are even somewhat involved in sewing I'm sure you've been to Sew Mama Sew's store and blog. Last year they posted a series called "Handmade Holidays", where each day in Novemeber had ideas for gifts to make. I got SO many good ideas from it that I didn't need to actually buy anything.

They brought it back for a 2nd year with new tutorials! Already they are off to a great start. They added some new sections to each post (Make It, Buy It, Mix It (recipes))

If you have a minute I would recommend browsing through some of the days - today is my favorite so far -Gifts for Pet Lovers - it has my name written all over it!


Monday, November 3, 2008

Do Your Part

Vote for the candidate you believe in, vote for the issues that you are concerned with, and vote because you can.

Picture from