Thursday, April 10, 2008


i have been slacking on my blog this week - so sorry! really it's one of my favorite things to do, but when things i don't like to do have to be done, i have to then save what i like to do as a reward. well today, i have finished some long put off things at work...

what's new with kateidesign?
- i'm working a line of clutches and wallets that i will feature in my etsy store and will create my very first tutorial on - so excited!
- i found some amazing fabric on clearance at jcaroline creative (who by the way has a new look thanks to Jessica at How About Orange) that i'm going to be using for this endeavor
- i have a very short torso, and therefore it's hard for me to find things like gauchos and cropped pants that look normal on me. most capri's tend to look like flood pants, so with some very fun pink and white seersucker fabric i will be making my own

when will i have time to do this you ask? i have no idea... unless i do one of the following:
- give up sleeping all together
- stop reading People magazine
- quit my job
- learn to sew faster

wish me luck!

1 comment:

bettyninja said...

I wish I had more time too! It sometimes feels impossible to get anything done when you work full time.