Monday, August 25, 2008

Pot meet Kettle... who is also black

So after I ask for people to read my blog I apparently vanish off the face of the blogosphere. My apologies. I have been traveling for work like a fiend (unfun) and getting a ton of orders (fun!) that i've been working like a bee to complete.

i made 2 libby bags for Etsy clients. here is one:
i was contacted by a bride who wanted jewelry rolls for her bridesmaids:And I sold the laptop cozy that was on my site too. I was also (finally) able to post some new (more of the jewelry rolls from the above order) stuff.

Besides the stuff i have sold on Etsy, i have made a total of 5 purses and 2 baby blankets
I have a lot of other stuff to do too. I can't wait to get started on it! I'll keep you posted :)

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