Wednesday, September 17, 2008


At my new job, i work with a lot of very crafty women. A couple of them quilt, one works with fleece and another one also makes cards/stationary. The group of us have been trying to get together for an official Stitch and Bitch session. Crafty Planet has these at their shop in Minneapolis, and i loved the concept. I'm really hoping this session brings out a new wave of creativity for me. I have a TON of projects that i would love to get started on, but with work being so tiring lately, i've had trouble finding the motivation for it. I have a Sublime Stitching embroidery pattern calling my name in particular that i can't wait to get started on. We were supposed to meet tomorrow but due to one of the girls moving, we're postponing until maybe the first week in October. [sigh] I can't believe it's already going to be October soon... Seems like time flies when you're not having fun too...

Hope all is well with you!

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