Tuesday, April 15, 2008


so naturally, like most women i know, i love shoes. love, love, love them. i don't know what it is about them exactly, but they always seem to cheer me up. buying them, trying them on, changing seasons of my current stash... i found some shoes recently that i've been drooling over, and in reality i would love to buy them all, it's just not going to fly with the husband who does not have the same feelings towards shoes as i (who's heard 'don't you already have a pair that look exactly like that?', and it's usually followed by 'these are totally different than those!'). because shoes bring me so much happiness, i thought other people would like to see some new spring shoes as well. all of these are available at piperlime (my ultimate shoe source).

if anyone has these let me know what you think - i'm all about cute and comfy.

all pictures from www.piperlime.com


bettyninja said...

damn these are cute.

The Stitching Surgeon said...

LOVE the green ones and the black ones...DH says the SAME thing when I buy shoes...